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Efficiency Enhancement and Troubleshooting in Production Operations


This course aims to improve the efficiency and performance of production operations and reduce the number of potential errors in these processes. It also includes training and awareness activities for employees and teams involved in production operations.

Who Should Attend

All employees and teams involved in production operations in oil companies. The course can be directed towards supervisors, engineers, production technicians, and any other individuals who participate in production operations and have a role in enhancing process efficiency, error detection, and correction.


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Course Contents

Day 1:

  • Introduction to the concept of efficiency improvement and the importance of error correction in the oil production industry.
  • Presentation of practical examples of previous errors in production operations and analysis of their impact on performance.
  • Analysis of current production operations in the company and identification of areas that need improvement.

Day 2:

  • Providing practical training on process examination techniques and how to detect errors.
  • Teaching participants how to effectively and quickly develop plans for correcting identified errors.
  • .

Day 3:

  • Discussion of case studies and simulations of error detection and correction in oil production operations
  • Providing hands-on training on error analysis techniques and modern technologies in the oil industry.

Day 4:

  • Strengthening and training the production teams involved in identifying and efficiently correcting errors.
  • Conducting training sessions on common error analysis and developing plans to prevent them from recurring in the future.

Day 5:

  • Reviewing and evaluating the program’s results and providing an opportunity for participants to share their experiences and opinions.
  • Providing reference materials and resources to help participants continue practicing efficiency improvement and error correction in production operations.

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