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Operations of Water Treatment and troublwshooting process upsets


This field is vital to many industries and public facilities, as it contributes to providing clean and safe water for various uses. Troubleshooting in these operations requires an in-depth knowledge of the systems and equipment used, as well as the ability to quickly diagnose issues and implement corrective actions to ensure the process continues efficiently and effectively.

Who Should Attend

This program is aimed at engineers and technicians working in water treatment, plant and project managers, maintenance and operations specialists, as well as consultants and experts in water management who seek to enhance their knowledge of water treatment operations and develop their troubleshooting skills.

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Course Content

Day 1: Introduction to Water Treatment Operations

  • Overview of Water Treatment Operations: An introduction to the types and importance of water treatment processes.
  • Basic Stages of Water Treatment: A review of the different stages of the water treatment process.
  • Equipment Used: Understanding the basic equipment and devices in water treatment plants.

Day 2: Systems and Technologies Used in Water Treatment

  • Filtration Technologies: Studying various filtration systems and how they work.
  • Chemical Purification Technologies: The use of chemicals in water treatment.
  • Biological Treatment Systems: Understanding biological processes in water treatment.

Day 3: Troubleshooting in Water Treatment Operations

  • Diagnosing Common Issues: How to identify common problems in water treatment operations.
  • Troubleshooting Methods: Tools and techniques used in troubleshooting.
  • Corrective Actions: Steps to fix issues and ensure process stability.

Day 4: Preventive Maintenance and Risk Management

  • Preventive Maintenance: The importance of routine maintenance and how to perform it.
  • Risk Management: How to identify and assess risks associated with water treatment operations.
  • Emergency Planning: Developing emergency plans to ensure continuity of operations during emergencies.

Day 5: Practical Applications and Case Studies

  • Interactive Workshop: Practical troubleshooting applications in water treatment operations.
  • Case Study: Analyzing real-life cases of solving problems in water treatment plants.
  • Program Evaluation: A comprehensive review of the program and providing feedback to participants.

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