Performance Indicators
Performance indicators are management tools used to measure and evaluate the performance of an organization or company. The aim of this program is to identify and track a set of key indicators that help measure the performance of the company and achieve the defined objectives.
They aim to provide a comprehensive view of the company’s performance in the short, medium, and long term. Indicators are analyzed regularly to identify the strengths and issues that need to be corrected or improved.
Based on the results of the performance indicators analysis, the company can make strategic decisions to improve its performance and enhance productivity, quality, and customer satisfaction. They are also powerful tools for control, strategic planning, and performance improvement in various companies and organizations.
Who should attend
Usually, performance indicators should be prepared and implemented by the management team or a specialized performance management team within the organization. This team may include department managers, analysts, and experts in various fields. The responsibility of gathering data, analyzing it, and converting it into reports lies with these experts.
Companies can also seek the assistance of external consultants to prepare and implement performance indicators for the company. These consultants are experienced in this field and possess the knowledge and skills to identify the appropriate indicators and apply them in a suitable manner for the company.
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